MP’s concern over assisted dying moves

Jersey’s timetable for the next debate on this subject has been accelerated by new Health Minister, Tom Binet, but MP’s in Westminster have raised concerns about the potential for ‘divergence’ between jurisdictions.

Full story re this was published in the Jersey Evening Post (written by Tom Innes) on 2nd March 2024 and can be accessed here -

The UK Parliament’s Health and Social Care Committee has recommended that doctors are given clear guidance on how to respond to requests for medical reports from terminally-ill patients considering travelling abroad for an assisted death.

Steve Brine, the Conservative MP for Winchester who chairs the cross-party group of MPs said, “The inquiry on assisted dying and assisted suicide raised the most complex issues that we as a committee have faced, with strong feelings and opion


Thousands of doctors voice opposition to law that would legalise assisted dying


'Big consequences' if UK changes law on assisted dying