A sad day for Jersey…
By a 2/3 majority, Jersey politicians have today voted to allow Assisted Dying for those suffering a terminal illness
10 reasons to ask your politicians to vote against Assisted Dying
Need clarification of points as to why we oppose any changes to the law governing Assisted Dying (Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia) in Jersey?
Please read on and then contact your local politicians. - It is only they who can vote to oppose this.
Help disabled people to thrive, not die…
The scary prospect is the fact that doctors are now going to be asked to consider ending life rather than saving it.
This completely undermines the relationship that exists between the patient and the doctor.
Assisted dying, moral distress, and conscientious objection
Despite attempts in law, neither unbearable suffering nor terminal illness can be defined in practice, but these phrases are extremely relevant for defining eligibility.
The fear about the arrival of assisted dying legislation in Jersey
Let us be clear, the legislation that is being proposed in Jersey under the name of ‘assisted dying’ is really legislation for ‘assisted suicide’.
Scrutiny panel to review assisted dying bill
A panel chaired by Deputy Louise Doublet will examine all evidence received to date from experts and other stakeholders before holding a public review with the Health Minister, Deputy Tom Binet.
“There are no safeguards”
There needs to be an in-depth assessment of the provision of Palliative Care in Jersey, with support provided through government, which would give Jersey an opportunity to become world class in the provision of Palliative Care rather than opting for a law that results in the killing of patients.
Assisted dying underplays the enormity of killing someone.
What will be the impact on your health and social care services, including mental health and palliative care services, and what effect would legalisation have on recruitment to these services?
Starmer and ITV ignore the horrific truth about assisted dying
SIR Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party this week committed himself to bringing forward a Bill to legalise ‘assisted dying’, the contemporary euphemism for assisted suicide or euthanasia.
Thousands of doctors voice opposition to law that would legalise assisted dying
Almost 2,500 doctors are backing a campaign to halt the Assisted Dying Bill in Scotland, including GPs and hospital doctors from juniors to senior consultants across all specialities.
MP’s concern over assisted dying moves
Jersey’s timetable for the next debate on Assisted Dying has been accelerated by new Health Minister, Tom Binet.
'Big consequences' if UK changes law on assisted dying
An individual could “have their choice taken away.”
Why assisted dying should remain illegal
Michael Wenham was grateful that the option of assisted dying wasn’t available to him when he had a frightening diagnosis…
Euthanasia should have no part in healthcare
“It is my opinion that an open unrestricted ethical assessment of ‘Assisted Dying’ should have taken place at a very early stage in this process, prior to the imposition of restrictions in assessments or consultations.”
Euthanasia is not healthcare
In November 2021 there was a vote taken by the then sitting Council of Ministers to ‘in principle’ change the law in Jersey to allow assisted suicide and euthanasia.
Since then there have been two public consultations and an ethics review, and the vote has been delayed again with no date set for later in 2024.
Health Minister delays debate on Assisted Dying.
Health Minister Karen Wilson announced on Monday that the debate on the proposed new law has been postponed and will now take place in the 3rd quarter of 2024 rather than in February as originally planned.
Survey on Assisted Suicide
Please complete this survey to show that we are NOT in favour of Assisted Dying.
Palliative care is where Jersey should be concentrating its efforts.
Palliative care teams involve a host of healthcare professionals that work together with the patient and their family.
Professor Leonie Herx airs her real concerns about legalising AD in Jersey
“I certainly hope that Jersey chooses a different path to Canada.”
APPG hosting a meeting for concerned colleagues.
JDWG continue to work with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Dying Well, who are planning a group meeting in Westminster for late June.