UK MPs to hold first evidence session on Assisted Dying

The first session of the assisted dying/assisted suicide inquiry will hear from peers involved in work around the subject, including those who have attempted to introduce legislation into the House of Lords, and those opposing it. The second panel will hear from academics and consider the role of high-quality palliative and end of life care, as well as research looking at jurisdictions where assisted dying/assisted suicide is permitted and the impact on health care professionals and families.

Questions are likely to examine Parliament's role in the debate, protections for vulnerable groups and research on the impact of assisted dying/assisted suicide.

During the inquiry, MPs are expected to consider, what can be drawn in evidence from jurisdictions where assisted dying/assisted suicide is legal and whether there have been any new developments since the House of Commons last considered legislation on the subject in 2015.

The Committee has received a large number of submissions from individual members of the public and from organisations following the inquiry’s launch in December.


Tuesday 28 March in Committee Room 5, Palace of Westminster

At 10.00am

  • Lord Falconer, Labour peer

  • Baroness Meacher, Crossbench peer

  • Baroness Finlay, Crossbench peer, Professor of Palliative Medicine, Cardiff University School of Medicine

  • Baroness Hollins, Crossbench peer

At 11.00am

  • Dr Naomi Richards, Senior Lecturer in Social Science and Director of the Glasgow End of Life Studies Group, University of Glasgow

  • Dr Alexandra Mullock, Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Law and Co-Director of the Centre for Social Ethics and Policy, University of Manchester  

  • Professor Nancy Preston, Professor of Supportive and Palliative Care, University of Lancaster

Further information

Image:  Pixabay


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